一些有關 GIS 的簡報和連結

MapServer and GeoServer (and tilecache) comparison serving Ordnance Survey raster maps
Further load testing of GeoServer and MapServer (and tilecache)
Slideshare - Power of NeoGeographer
Slideshare - pgRouting 2.0 presentation 2013
Slideshare - Advanced Cartography for the Web
Slideshare - Status of GeoTools
Slideshare - State of GeoServer 2013 (FOSS4G)
Slideshare - 開放資料與開放發展(144張)
Slideshare - Olivier Courtin - PostGIS and 3D
Slideshare - Olivier Courtin - PostGIS from 1.4 to 2.0: what is really new?
Slideshare - How Neogeography Killed GIS
Slideshare - Presenting Spatial Data: Whats so spatial about spatial?
Slideshare - geodata are sexy and openstreetmap is energy

